The Top 10 Selfie Tips Everyone Needs To Know

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Selfies have quickly become one of the most popular forms of photography in the world. In fact, according to Google, global selfie searches have grown by 120% over the past two years. With this growth comes a certain level of expectation and responsibility to take the perfect selfie – something that can be a bit daunting for even the most seasoned selfie-taker. But never fear! Whether you’re using an iPhone or Android device, we’ve got you covered with this article.

If you want to take great selfies, you need to know the right tips and techniques. In this article, we've shared the top 10 selfie tips that everyone should know. Follow these tips and you'll be taking selfies like a pro in no time!

Before you take your next selfie, read these tips to make sure you get the perfect photo.

1. Choose a good background.

2. Use natural light.

3. Find a good angle.

4. Check the focus.

5. Use a filter.

6. Edit your photo.

7. Check the lighting.

8. Pose confidently.

9. Use props.

10. Capture the moment.

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